Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fantastic Weekend!

I have to write about this, there is no getting around it.  Yesterday, down in Pennsylvania, two of my very good friends were married at 1pm.  I was very fortunate to be able to attend this amazing and blessed event.  To witness Geoff and Rebecca start their life journey together, I've come to have a better understanding of how God has come to work in their lives.  These two are truly meant to be together, and it is not by chance, but by God's will.  In some ways I believe I have always had some knowledge an understanding of what this meant, but to see it in action, to see God working through my friends,  I know God is also speaking to me through them saying " follow me and know the love you are witnessing for yourself" A very powerful realization that only added to the joyful events of the evening.  Before the wedding I was writing a letter to Geoff and Rebecca that included some thoughts about their upcoming marriage.  I cited one of favorite bible verses and it again seems to be appropriate here. 

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that we who believe in him, shall not parish but have eternal life. 

Something to think about.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Moon Lit Waters

What a fantastic week I have had!  This week I was able to head to Calumet for a few days, a place that I always love returning to!  I spent 6 glorious summers working up on the shore of Lake Ossipee and it always feels good to go back!  Why?  Here is but a sample of what happened this week.  

For me,  I always enjoy the opportunity to see camp friends that I haven't seen in a while.  I really enjoy the fellowship in catching up and hanging out with my camp buddies.  On this visit I was also given the opportunity to run a devotions with a friend of mine,( Ali) who I trained with in 2002, for the CIT's of 2010.  It certainly was one of the highlights, that eight years after my training summer, we were able to come back and contribute to theirs.

Among some of the other highlights: 

Kayaking to the Bear Camp River at 6:30 in the morning.
So peaceful!

Mexican Fiesta with the Crew in honor of Erik Wilcox's Wedding!

Taking in the massive amounts of stars you get to see when you are camp!  Absolutely amazing! 

As always my time at camp ended too soon, but I have come back refreshed and renewed!