Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The American Way...

The Casey Anthony trial came to a conclusion yesterday and I must say I'm shocked at peoples reaction to the verdict.  This is how our legal system works.  Your either guilty or not guilty and in order to be found guilty the prosecution must meet its burden of proof.  They clearly did not in this case.  Hard to convict someone of murder when you don't have a cause of death and very minimal and sketchy forensic evidence that is not even connected to the acquitted.   The system did its job it this situation, if there is any doubt, then there can not be a conviction and clearly there was.  It is here that we are faced with a no win situation, a little girl is dead, a family is in tatters and on the surface justice has not been served.  We have to look deeper though, justice does not always come in a guilty verdict.  While this has been a terrible tragedy from the beginning, we can not forsake the rights the constitution provide just so we can feel better.  Innocent until proven guilty.  A lot of people forgot that during this case, especially the media who unfortunately took many people for the ride with them.  Hopefully this case brought a lot of pundits back to earth and has made everyone much less assuming.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bin Laden's death a time to celebrate????

These last 48 hours certainly have been interesting. ( may be an understatement). On Sunday night, during Sunday Night Baseball, the game was placed on the back burner for breaking news. Osama Bin Laden had been killed by a US Special Forces operation, after 10 years of eluding capture. For me, there was an initial reaction of shock as after all this time I never expected there to be any resolution in regards to Bin Laden. As I watched chants of USA, USA, USA rise up through out Citizens Bank Ball Park, I’m ashamed to admit the sense of joy I felt in those initial moments .

48 hours after the fact, having taking some time to process the recent events, I have come to a much better understanding of Bin Laden’s death and for me I am now in a better place. After reading an article from Jim Wallis’s Blog, I have returned to a place of rationality and spirituality. While a sense of relieve still remains that a man who perpetrated such violence and hatred through out the wold is gone, I have found that there is no place to celebrate the death of anyone, including our enemies.

After 9/11 there were those who were dancing and celebrating in the streets over what had befallen our country. How is what we are doing now any different? How can we lower ourselves to such a level? I understand why some might celebrate this man’s death. I can see the place they are coming from. However, we must keep our perspective. It can never be ok to celebrate anyone’s death, no matter what the circumstance.

As a practicing Christian, I was reminded this week of a bible verse that helped refocus my thoughts and get me back to thinking on a deeper level. Maybe it will help you as well.
“Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice” – Proverbs 24:17

It is not for us to render judgement, that is left for God and it should only be fit that he render the final judgement.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Adult life...

Remember when you were little, and all you could think about was wanting to grow up and become a "big person"?  Well you know that we have settled into that role,  gotta tell ya, it's not all it's cracked up to be. 

Bills, jobs, car repairs, medical appointments... all of a sudden are lives are full of the things that makes one a " responsible adult".  All necessary of course, but still something has been lost.  Even taking it back to college, we thought life was so stressful then.  Papers to write, exams to study for.  In reality, we had it made.   All we had to do was put in the work, show up to class and then figure out what the social events of the week would be. 

Anyways, just a little vent.  All in all life is pretty good as is. Stay tuned for future posts.  One of which will be after I go SKYDIVING this summer!  Can't wait!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Just got back for the NYC/NJ area after a pretty sweet visit with my brother.  We decided very last minute to try and go to the UConn vs Georgetown game at Madison Square Garden.  Needless to say we were successful!  The game was outstanding!  UConn played as close to a complete game as you can get. They were clicking on all cylinders! Kemba Walker especially was feeling it with a game high 28 pts!  It was a total team victory with contributions coming from everybody.  It was great to spend the time watching the Huskies play with my bro and hopefully they keep winning when the face Pitt tomorrow!  

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Although the nations election results had quite a republican tone to them last night, CT for the most part, remained in the  Democrats hands.  The Senate races as well as all Congressional District race were taken by the running Democrats.  The Gubernatorial race remains too close to call.

Election Aftermath

Today is Wednesday November 3rd and Election is now over.  The end result?  The Republicans have stormed back to take control of the House of Rep. while the Senate remains in the Democrats hands.  Beyond these races, numerous Gubernatorial races have change parties, many shifting from Democrat to Republican candidates.  What this all mean for our great nation in the next two years?  Well, in terms of Congress, I there are two scenarios that could present themselves.  A)  Both parties realize they won't be able to get anything done without compromising with the other and we actually see some form of bipartisanship present itself. B)  We face two years of absolute gridlock between the two parties as legislation that each party tries to push threw never makes it out of Congress and to the President's desk.   It will certainly be interesting to see how all this plays out, I'm not entirely confident that both parties will be able to do what is necessary to put their differences aside and some work done.   I guess we shall see.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fantastic Weekend!

I have to write about this, there is no getting around it.  Yesterday, down in Pennsylvania, two of my very good friends were married at 1pm.  I was very fortunate to be able to attend this amazing and blessed event.  To witness Geoff and Rebecca start their life journey together, I've come to have a better understanding of how God has come to work in their lives.  These two are truly meant to be together, and it is not by chance, but by God's will.  In some ways I believe I have always had some knowledge an understanding of what this meant, but to see it in action, to see God working through my friends,  I know God is also speaking to me through them saying " follow me and know the love you are witnessing for yourself" A very powerful realization that only added to the joyful events of the evening.  Before the wedding I was writing a letter to Geoff and Rebecca that included some thoughts about their upcoming marriage.  I cited one of favorite bible verses and it again seems to be appropriate here. 

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that we who believe in him, shall not parish but have eternal life. 

Something to think about.