Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The American Way...

The Casey Anthony trial came to a conclusion yesterday and I must say I'm shocked at peoples reaction to the verdict.  This is how our legal system works.  Your either guilty or not guilty and in order to be found guilty the prosecution must meet its burden of proof.  They clearly did not in this case.  Hard to convict someone of murder when you don't have a cause of death and very minimal and sketchy forensic evidence that is not even connected to the acquitted.   The system did its job it this situation, if there is any doubt, then there can not be a conviction and clearly there was.  It is here that we are faced with a no win situation, a little girl is dead, a family is in tatters and on the surface justice has not been served.  We have to look deeper though, justice does not always come in a guilty verdict.  While this has been a terrible tragedy from the beginning, we can not forsake the rights the constitution provide just so we can feel better.  Innocent until proven guilty.  A lot of people forgot that during this case, especially the media who unfortunately took many people for the ride with them.  Hopefully this case brought a lot of pundits back to earth and has made everyone much less assuming.